Bad Thoughts

Me: Hey Lexi

Me: Do you want to hear a really racist thought I had when I was like 11 or whatever?

Lexi: …no…?

Me: Haha gonna tell you anyway

Me: I was in middle school, right? And every morning they had this dumb middle school news program we had to watch. Well, one day, one of the “anchors” was this black kid who was British.

Lexi: No

Me: Haha yeah and I was like “Wait a minute, I thought all black people were American or African, what’s he doing with that accent?”

Lexi: Stop

Me: And then I was all “Did they do slavery too?!”

Lexi: Well duh, but that kid was more likely an immigrant.

Me: So anyway, that’s who you’re dealing with here.

Lexi: Y’know the funny thing is, lots of black people assume that too- that we’re all Americans. And then we get surprised when someone has, like, a Scottish accent or whatever.

Me: I might be awful but at least I’m not alone!

Lexi: Get out of my car.
