Binder (Part 2)

Me: Hey guys! I just found this box full of crap on 20th street.

Coworker: Anything good?

Me: An old vacuum-

Coworker: Like, with bags?

Me: Yeah

Coworker: Yo you gotta watch those bags. You might take that into your house and change the bag and somethin crawls out!

Me: 🙄

Coworker: Just you wait! You gonna get bed bugs

Me: I didn’t take the vacuum! Do you see me carrying a vacuum?

Coworker: What did you take?

Me: This binder. Isn’t it neat?

Coworker: You found that in a box on the street? For free?

Me: Sure did

Coworker: I give you $2 for it.

Me: …

Me: …

Coworker: You turnin a big profit here!

Me: …

Me: Yeah ok.

So I don’t have the binder anymore, but I do have enough money to buy 8 gumballs, so who’s the real winner here?
