So, a couple weeks ago I told a tall tale about my experience calling a shelter to get a kitty spayed. That kitty…
So, a couple weeks ago I told a tall tale about my experience calling a shelter to get a kitty spayed. That kitty…
Back when I was feeding Dip regularly, she would often try to get into my house. Given that she almost certainly had fleas,…
For a couple weeks Dip was my roommate. This is more of how that went. CRASH Me: What was that sound I go…
For a couple weeks Dip was my roommate. This is kinda how that went. Me, happily snoozing at 3am: Mmmm… smells like fish……
Guest written by Jilly Laying supine, head to head with a very pregnant Dip, meowing dippiliy away for my attention while we wait…
December 2017 Dip: Yo let me out. Haha. Get it? Let meow-t. Cuz I’m a cat Me: Come on dude I’m watching a…
Me, bummed: Hey Neighbor. Neighbor: Hey Matt Me: Thanks for making sure to tell me about Dip. Neighbor: Awww man, that was sad…
Me, on the phone: Hi, I’d like to ask about your trap-neuter-release program. Shelter: ok Me: Shelter: Me: Shelter: Me: Sooooo there’s this…