Celebrity Lookalike

Stranger: what celebrities you get?

Me: eh?

Stranger: like, who do people say you look like?

Me: ohh. Tobey Maguire, which I do not understand, a couple of CW actors, Jared Leto, Jesus… Jesus from The Walking Dead, I got Robert Pattinson once

Stranger: you know, Pattinson was in a really great film earlier this year. Give him shit for Twilight all you want but he’s a phenomenal actor.

Me: you know, he’s not the only one of that brand either. I recently saw a video of Hayden Christensen playing soccer. A fan shouts out to him, “May the Force be With You!” and he turns back and smiles and winks. Like, he’s a charming guy!

Stranger: so the prequels weren’t his fault?

Me: No! We all thought he was secretly a cardboard cutout but that’s not true at all. He’s actually a real performer.

Stranger: that’s an interesting comparison.

Me: George Lucas masterfully sucked the soul out of everything.
