Cultural Appropriation?

Me: Got my first reddit gold yesterday.

Friend, who is black: Ooh, congratulations. What for?

So I show them the post.

Friend: But

Friend: But that’s our movie. They weren’t your ancestors!

Me: Well… Black Panther is an American movie, so

Friend: ah-ah-ah-ah. No. No. You- no. Nuh-uh.

Me: I saw it opening night, just like y’all!*

Friend: But it’s a Marvel movie, and that is your culture.

Me: Yeah! I can quote Killmonger if I want!

Friend: …

Friend: …

Friend: Okay, look. On behalf of the Black American Union**, I decree that you get a pass this time. Because it was really funny.

Other Friend, who is also black: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You speakin for me?

Friend: Yes.

Other Friend: …was it funny?

Friend: Yes.

Other Friend: You get a pass this time Matt but I’m watchin you!

*After saying this, I remembered that it isn’t actually true. I had the flu and gave my opening night tickets away. But I did buy them!

**This is not a real thing
