Dark Web

Patron with massive black eye: Hey so, what with all these internet and new “social media” sites needing your phone number, can you log on to stuff using library networks?

Me: Ooookay. So I’m not really sure what those words you’re saying are, but I think I know what you’re asking. You are not required to use your phone number to register for google, email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any of the others.

Patron: Ahh, so you don’t use Google.

Me: I use google probably 75-100 times a day. They don’t need my phone number. But since I do it on my phone too, they definitely have it.

Patron: So I don’t need an email address to get a gmail?

Me: No… how else would anyone have email if you needed it to get… an email?

Patron: Okay so then if you can use google like that how do you access the dark web?

Me: It’s dark because it’s not on Google.

Patron: But… but then how do I get Bitcoin?


