Dr. Emmett Brown

Patron, reading my shirt*: Dr. Emmett Brown Enterprises?

Patron: What in the world is that?

Me: Back to the Future!

Patron: Back to the Future had Dr. Emmett Brown in it?

Me: Yeah, that’s not a real person, it was th-

Patron: Yeah! The guy who did the car. Ooooh boy. You know, I don’t remember that at all. I only saw that movie… ooh, eight times?

Me: Eight is a lot of times actually

Patron: I saw it back in the summer it was released with my sibling. It was really hot, I think that’s why I don’t really remember it.

Me: But what about the other seven ti-

Patron: What I DO remember is leaving the theater thinking, “That experience satisfied the desire to actually go back in time!

Me: It really did.

Patron: No wonder you like it so much.

*Shirt by GeekBoyPress! GIVE THEM MONEY

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