Over-encumbered Patron: something inaudible
Me: What was that?
Over-encumbered Patron: WHAT
Me: What?
Over-encumbered Patron(removing earbuds that I didn’t even see): whAT???
Me: What did you say?
Over-encumbered Patron, handing giant pile of books and dvds to me one at a time: OH. Haha. I thought you said something. Isn’t it funny how people do that?
Me, internally: No, no it is not.
Me, externally: Haha it sure is
Me: You know you can just pass those over
Over-encumbered Patron(putting earbuds back in): whaT??
Me, finishing interaction: Okay thanks bye bye now
Over-encumbered Patron, literally screaming: BYE HAVE A NICE DAY