
Nurse: …have a seat right here, Mr. Kuh… Kah… Mr. James.

Me: Cool thanks

Nurse: Can I have all of your information that we should have in our database but super duper do not for some reason?

Me: Ugh fine, here.

Nurse: Now I just need to prick your finger… ooooh look at that nice red sample!

Me: Thanks, I’m really proud of it.

Nurse: You can’t give blood today, Mr. James

Me: hwha

Nurse: Your iron is low. 11.6. For men we require at least a 13.

Me: That’s… gotta be wrong. I give blood all the time.

Other Nurse: Let’s test again. Ooooh, it’s so red! The test must be wrong.

Other Nurse: The test is correct.

Me: But I feel fine! And I eat red meat probably too often!

Other Nurse: Don’t freak out, but… maybe talk with your doctor next time you see them.

Me: What the actual fuck

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