Leni Riefenstahl

Me: Coworker! Do you know what this is?

Coworker shakes their head.

Me: it’s called “Triumph of the Will”. It’s a Nazi propaganda film from 1934. I’m astonished this is in our collection.

Coworker: …okay

Me: George Lucas saw this when he was in film school. You know the throne room sequence from the end of the first Star Wars? Almost identical to a scene from this movie where Hitler is parading around and saluting his soldiers.

Coworker: That’s… creepy.

Me: right? Let’s see here… “Leni Riefenstahl, Adolf Hitler’s hand-picked and favorite film director, worked for much of the Third Reich. She was a pioneer…”

Coworker: she? Wow! Equal opportunity for women. How progressive.

Me: as long as you’re really racist
