Lunch Truck Bye

Me: Lunch Truck Guy! Who’s your friend?

Lunch Truck Guy: Mike! This is the new Lunch Truck Guy. We are switching.

Me: …what.

Lunch Truck Guy: This is my last week here.

Me: Why?

Lunch Truck Guy: Time for a change. I’m going up to his truck, and he’s taking over mine. He’s my cousin! He’s good cook.

New Lunch Truck Guy: Hello, Mike!

Me: Uh, hello. When’s your last day?

Lunch Truck Guy: Saturday. But don’t worry! I’ll be back to say hello!

Me: But- but

Me: But you’re my lunch truck guy.

Me: This isn’t even the same cousin as The Cousin! How many cousins you got, man??

Lunch Truck Guy: Many cousins, Mike. Big family.

Lunch Truck Guy: Mike here, he always orders ham egg and cheese in the morning. Sometimes burgers in the afternoon, maybe cheesesteak. You give him extra cheese, extra lettuce, tomato… extra everything!

Me: 😭

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