National Novel Writing Month


Friend: Hey Matt

Friend: Are you my fake sibling this year?

Me: What in the world does that mean

Friend: are you an honorary member of my family?

Me: w h a t

Friend’s Actual Sibling: They want to know if you are going to participate in the National Novel Writing Month this November. Which starts in about 7 hours.

Me: oh

Me: No

Me: I don’t really have any ideas prepared.

Friend: Great! I’m adding you to the family email list.

Me: wait

Friend: What are you writing about?

Me: I don’t know! I had this weird idea this morning about fairies because of my Halloween costume

Friend: Fairies! Love it!

Me: But I don’t have, like, a plot. Or characters. Or-

Friend: Work on something else then!

Me: I hate you



Join me in my chaotic, unplanned journey to tell the story of a character I didn’t plan to write about for, like, a couple of decades


Part I: The Return of the Fates

This google doc is set so that anyone who clicks can comment, so leave harsh, cruel criticism! Or nice things. Or something in the middle. Maybe something actually constructive? UP TO YOU!

4 thoughts on “National Novel Writing Month

    1. Well I’m glad you’re enjoying what’s there but I put this project on the backburner. I’ll come back to it someday!
