The library is this really weird mix of hyper-busy followed by super-super-super silence. To an extent, we can predict when the rushy-rushy times will be. But we, or at least, I, am very bad at it.
I find it difficult to read or write when my time is so interrupted. It is for that reason that I’ve taken on the bizarre, asinine task of posting weird comments on reddit. Kind of like the monarch of internet clowning Ken M, but not necessarily with the intent to piss people off, and not nearly as good because I’ve been doing it for like a week.
Anyway, it rained super hard in Philly yesterday, and I posted a comment on a thread about this rain. And I am strangely proud of it.
The folks over at r/philadelphia seem to be mildly amused by it as well.
Anyway I’ve been posting a bunch of dumb, mildly amusing bullshit on reddit. Come stalk me here!