
My phone rings.

Me: God dammit who’s calling me?

Acquaintance: Lookit Mister Popular over here!

Me, on phone: Hello?

Me: Hello? Who is this?

Me: Fuck off, I’m blocking this number.

Acquaintance: That sounds kinda harsh.

Me: I registered a website domain a couple months ago and I’ve been getting spam calls ever since.

Acquaintance: What website?

Me, handing them a Matt’s Tall Tales business card: This one!

Acquaintance looks at the card.

Me: It’s a business card. Take it.

Acquaintance: I don’t want that! You just said you signed up there and get spam calls!

Me: No, no. I registered a domain and my phone number and email are now on the public record. I didn’t “sign up there”

Acquaintance: No way man, I’m not gonna risk it



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