Spoopy Window

I’m at a Halloween party in Foltz’s* backyard.

Foltz: What’s going on in that window there?

Across the way, one of his neighbor’s lights was flickering. Then we saw the blinds go up and down, and a little head poked out from the bottom.

Me: Aww. It’s a couple of kiddos! They’re being spooky. That’s nice.

The blinds went up and down a couple more times. The kids duck in and out of sight, too excited to see our reactions to keep hidden.

And then the blinds go up, and down, and then the left side goes up and the right side stays put. And then the right side goes halfway up and the left falls down again.

And then the blinds fall out, hit the kids in the head, and we see flailing limbs stuck in the plastic slits.

Me, quietly: Amateurs.

*Foltz is the very best Foltz who ever was. He has been my best friend for Foltzever, and I wish I had the opportunity to write about him more, but he lives all the way in South Philly and is constantly busy with his various Foltzing antics. Here’s hoping for more Tall Tales featuring him in the future!

Hey! You discovered my first alt-text. Look at you.
Spoooooky window
