Star Wars

In my younger days, I would often get into nerdy dick-measuring contests. I try really really hard to stay away from that shitty, toxic behavior now, but sometimes…

Someone I see on the street sometimes: Hey hey, I like your rebellion necklace!

Me: Thanks! I noticed you have the Imperial Crest printed on your sunglasses. Very cool.

Them: You clearly like the inferior side, but that’s okay.

Me: You know the Empire lost, right? Like, badly?

Them: Not in the books!

Me: Okay, one: The books don’t count. Two: after the Imperial defeat at the Battle of Endor, the Empire crumbled. Palpatine was the only thing holding it together. For the next decades and decades, the Imperial Remnant was mostly a thorn in the side of the New Republic, accomplishing very little in terms of Galactic domination. They were more like a terrorist group for most of their remaining existence. Third: Taking into account any semblance of realism, the loss of not one but two Death Stars would economically cripple any government, so the existence of an Imperial Remnant after Endor is, at best, ridiculous. That’s why the new movies have the First Order instead of a New Empire.

Me: I know my goddamn Star Wars, don’t test me
