Terrible Service

I am alone at the front desk.

Patron: I need to change my computer reservation.

Me: I’m sorry, I can’t do that. You’ll need-

Patron: Why not?!

Me: You’ll need to go discuss computer reservations with the librarian in the-

Patron: You do it!

Me: I would if I could, but I can’t. You need to

Patron in line: Come on! Just give them what they want.

Me: I literally am not able to.

Patron: Ugh! Fine!

Patron storms off. Patron in line steps up.

Patron in line: I don’t understand why you can’t just do what you’re told.

Me: Patron could hold a gun to my head, and I still couldn’t do it. They can beg and plead all they want, but I do not have access to that software.

Patron in line: The customer service here is terrible.
