The Air Conditioner (Part 3)

Part 1

Part 2

Lexi finally gets home.

Lexi: So here’s what I need you to do. It’s very dangerous. You’ll need to hang out the window like so, and screw this doohickey in to this dinglehopper here and then attach the MacGuffin.

Me: Can you shine the light a little bit- yeah yeah right there

Lexi: So be very careful. I can’t have you falling out the-

Me: Dear God, my feet are on the floor. I couldn’t fall if you pushed me.

Lexi: The problem here is that you are being logical and I’m-

Me: All done.

Lexi: Wait seriously?

Me: Yeah this was mad easy

Grace: She needed you to conquer her fears for her. Yay! You did it.

Me: I’m the hero in this story.

Lexi & Grace: 😐

Me: At least, that’s how I’ll tell it to everyone.
