The Cousin

I’m off to my go-to lunch truck*, doing my normal lunch truck thing. The normal Lunch Truck Guy is out of the country for a couple months, and his cousin has taken over operation of the truck. I’ve barely noticed a change- The Cousin has been trained well.

Me: Hey, The Cousin! How’s it going today?

The Cousin: Mike**! Great great. You come at good time. I am on the phone with Lunch Truck Guy, you want to talk?

Me, awkward on the phone: Well, I, ah… not really

The Cousin takes out his little bluetooth earpiece and hands it to me.

Me: Uhhh, sure. Okay.

Lunch Truck Guy: Mike! How are you?

Me: I’m… good.

Me, internally: Christ this feels like I’m on the phone with that weird Aunt I talk to once every 5 years

Me: How’s Pakistan?

Lunch Truck Guy: I am home! Everything is wonderful here. Is The Cousin taking good care of you?

Me: Oh yeah. He’s great.

Lunch Truck Guy: I tell him, ‘you take care of my friends!’ and he does!

Me, who already knows all this: Yup

Lunch Truck Guy: He’s good guy.

Me: He sure is.

Lunch Truck Guy: awkward pause

Me: More awkward pause

Lunch Truck Guy: continuation of awkward pause

Me: Haha well, my food is ready and I gotta go nicetalkingtoyoubyeeee

The Cousin: But the sandwich isn’t rea-

Me: Take the headset.

*Not this guy. There’s one much closer to the library that I regularly visit.

**They both think my name is Mike. I stopped correcting them years ago.

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