The Emoji Movie

Patron checks out the Emoji Movie.

Me: God, what a soul-sucking piece of “art”

Patron: It sucks?

Me: Oh, yeah.

Patron: Hmm. Sucks, like, sappy morals tacked on to the end, or…?

Me: Sucks like it’s the most cash-grabby cash grab in the history of grabbing cash. It’s basically an hour and a half of advertisements for apps.

Patron: Hm. Well, I’m still gonna take it. Maybe I won’t make it all the way through.

Me: You don’t have to. You can skip it.

Patron: No, I feel like I should learn something about it, y’know? I’ll tell you how it was.

Me: May God be with you on your quest.

Patron came back a couple days later to tell me it sucked.
