The Party

Some friends-of-friends were going to a Steven Universe-themed party out in a public park, and being that it was in a public park and all, I said fuck it, why not check it out?

I joined the facebook event page for it and the date and location changed a couple times. Since I’m obsessively (and problematically) on my phone all the time, I was always up-to-date on these changes- including the fact that the party was now at a private residence.

In order to get there, I had to get there stupid early on a Sunday morning. Like, noon. I don’t know why people host social stuff so early in the day. Me being me, I completely failed to get out of bed on time. I rolled up to the party around 1:30.

There was a piece of copy paper on the door that just said WELCOME in sharpie. It was unlocked, soooooo I went in.

I swear to god, the next couple minutes I was tiptoeing down the longest, creepiest hallway in the history of long, creepy hallways, with faint echoes of television at the end of it.

A sensible person would have gone home by now. But you already know I am not a sensible person.

At the end of the long, dark hallway I poked my head into a living room.

Me: Hello

One human-type person sat on the couch on the wall opposite me.

Human-Type-Person: Oh hi!

Me: I, uh… am here for the party? I think?

Human-Type-Person: Awesome! Thanks so much for coming! Come on in!

Human-Type-Person: I’m only up to season 3. Don’t spoil anything!

Me: I… won’t.

Human-Type-Person and I watch an episode from season 3. Or, more accurately, Human-Type-Person watches an episode from season 3 and I sit there silently and awkwardly.

Me: So did, uh… everyone else leave?

Human-Type-Person: Yep!

Me: Cool, cool. Yeah, I’m a little late.

Human-Type-Person: It’s okay! I’m glad you came out!

A couple minutes of this, and it turns out we’ve both had enough.

Human-Type-Person: WELP, I hate to kick you out but


Anyway, I’m a real party animal.
