The Sticker (The Risotto Chronicles Part II)

Kirill and I are outside debating dinner options and I am approached:

Approacher: Excuse me, sir? Are you aware of the fact that you have a, uh… little smiley face… on your arm?

Me: Yes, actually! I’m glad you bring that up because that’s a great story.

Kirill: Can we go get me Risotto now please?

Me: See, what happened was that I was with my girlfriend in Philly and she found this booklet of stickers with emojis on them. She was feeling silly and she took it and put it on my arm, right there. That was, like, 4 days ago. Since then I’ve showered 3 times, traveled, went to a damn Comic Con, and it’s still there!

Approacher: Is that so.

Me: Yup!

Me, turning back to Kirill: So anyway, if we’re going to Risotto we should probably go-

While my back was turned, Approacher pulled out their own booklet of emoji stickers and put heart eyes on my arm.


Kirill: I’m still hungry.
