The Teacher

A class of teens, nearing the end of high school, has come in for a field trip. Most of them have had library cards in the past but have lost them. A good portion of them have fines from books they lost years and years ago, and there’s not much I can do about it (I don’t have the authority to forgive fines) even though I’d really like to.

Me: Sorry, you won’t be able to check that out.

Teacher busts out a credit card

Me: Yo what are you doing?

Teacher: I’m gonna help you guys out and pay off part of your fines. $10 each, but you have to bring the rest

Me, counting the number of students with fines: good god

Me: Is that like… your personal credit card?

Teacher: Yeah, it’s okay

Me: The school’s gonna reimburse you, right?

Teacher: Really, don’t worry about it. It’s okay.


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