They Are Watching You

It’s a bright and sunny day, and I’m someone who hates the sun but really liked playing Pokemon GO. There’s a gym* not far from me- but there’s not a lot of shade here for me to hide in. In the evenings, I can stand in this grassy field and crouch behind the sign (pictured) to avoid the sun, but I still have to cover my eyes a bit.
As I’m fighting the vile Team Mystic** and claiming this territory as my own, a couple of cops on bikes show up.

Cop 1: Hey, what are you doing back there?

Me: 🙄

Cop 2: You know we can see you, right?

Me: 🙄🙄

The cops ride away, laughing.

Me: This is why nobody likes you guys. Can’t I just fuck up this Charizard in peace?

*A Pokemon GO gym is where you go to fight other peoples’ magic monster things. You have to physically go to the location with your phone in order to fight, hence me standing in a grassy lot in the bright sunlight.

**The whole Team thing is really goddamn stupid and you shouldn’t worry about it
