Trick Or Treat!

The doorbell rings.


Me: yo wassup Optimus Prime? Love it. Here’s some candy

Kiddos grab ALL THE CANDY

Me: Jesus Christ guys take it easy you’re not the only ones on the block

Adult, holding a liquor bottle in a paper bag: yo what you got for adults?

Me, not amused: m&ms.

Adult: yo I don’t want no m&ms I want a job

Me: I don’t carry jobs on my back pocket. I have candy. Don’t make this about you.

Adult: come on they all know it’d be better if I got full time pay out of the deal haha amirite?

Young Kid: no it wouldn’t

Me: HAH! See?

Adult: Man, you see the shit I have to put up with.

Me: No, but I see the shit THEY have to put up with.

