Doctor’s Office Waiting Room Politics

Patient’s Spouse: …the hell are they talking about, “a level playing field.” They had one and [Trump] took it away!

Patient’s Spouse, to me: Politics! Just can’t get away, can you?

Me: you know, in all this mess, maybe that’s a good thing.

Patient’s Spouse: maybe it’ll get people in the polls

Me: exactly! People my age have been really apathetic and perhaps this will get us voting.

Patient: We voted when we were your age! My first election… I voted for Kennedy!

Patient: oh dear

Patient: I just dated myself.

Me: no, that’s exciting! My first election was for Obama. That was a lovely 18th birthday gift.

Patient: Actually, 21 for us.

Me: oh damn you really did date yourself

Patient’s Spouse: you were just excited about Kennedy because you’re Catholic

Patient, smacking Spouse: and when did you stop being Catholic?

Me: I love you both
