Weight Watching

I’m sitting among a bunch of people discussing weight.

Person 1: …and I’m overweight, so

Person 2: BMI is dumb. It’s barely a good guideline

Me: BMI is pseudoscience.

Person 2: THANK YOU! See? This one gets it.

Person 1: but my body fat percentage is-

Person 2: completely normal. You have like, 6 pounds of tits.

Person 1: you are drastically overestimating the size of my breasts

Person 3: I have like, six ounces on me

Me: what the hell is this breast shaming nonsense? /I/ have like 6 ounces and I have, like, nothing

Person 3: we have about the same deal going on up here

Me: I would love to continue this argument but I’m pretty sure if I start guessing cup sizes someone’s gonna fight me and rightfully so
