Wild Bill’s

On Sunday, Jilly came up to join me at NYCC! I wore her hat and looked silly, pictured above.

Me: …and there’s this soda that travels from con to con and they’re REALLY REALLY GOOD. It’s called Wild Bill’s and-

Jilly: Isn’t that where you got your giant stainless steel mug?

Me: Yes, exactly! Anyway they’re here at NYCC and they’re SOOO GOOD

Me, drinking soda: This is legitimately the best soda I’ve ever had.

Jilly: It’s flat.

Me: It’s not flat. Look at those bubbles.

Jilly: It’s flat.

Me: You are accustomed to sodas that are far too carbonated. This is just right.

Jilly: The carbonation cuts the sweetness.

Me: It’s like drinking candy! I can’t have too much or I’ll probably die or something.

Jilly: And this is your idea of the best soda?

Me: Of course!

Jilly: You wouldn’t prefer soda you could drink in larger quantities?

Me: Absolutely not. All things in moderation.

Jilly: This stuff is so sweet it is literally attracting bees.

Me, drinking soda: That’s how you know it’s the good stuff.


