Another Fucking Shooting

I was going to publish a video today,

but there was another fucking shooting.

I had stories to tell and jokes to make,

but there was another fucking shooting.

I thought perhaps I could avoid bringing it up,

but I went to work today and got an email about what to do in the event

of another fucking shooting.

(The tips were not helpful and not worth repeating.)

There was another fucking shooting.

What the hell are we supposed to do?

Most Americans think gun laws should be more strict.

This article has been reposted dozens of times.

I see people saying a lot of dumb shit-

“Guns aren’t causing mass shootings, video games are!”

That’s bullshit- Sweden has video games and they don’t have mass shootings.

“Guns aren’t causing mass shootings, mental health issues are!”

That’s bullshit- Japan has mental health issues and they don’t have mass shootings.

“It’s toxic masculinity! Our boys are toxic and that’s driving them to shoot up public spaces!”

That’s bullshit- do you really think the US is the only country with toxic masculinity? We didn’t invent that. We don’t have a monopoly on shitty men.

It’s guns. We have a surplus of guns and we make that surplus readily available to the public. That’s it. That’s the thing we have that other countries don’t.

You know this, of course- that’s why you’re reading this. El Paso, Ohio- they’re two more symptoms of an old, chronic disease of a government that is not of the people, that is not by the people, that is not for the people.

The people want safety. The people want to accomplish this by regulating firearms. The US government, under the oppressive thumb of the National Rifle Association, is ignoring the needs of the people. We need to not get murdered in a public place,

By another fucking shooter.

And every time, they say “thoughts and prayers” and do nothing. Fuck their thoughts. Fuck their prayers. The time to act was 20 years ago, but the best we can to today is start now.

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