People You Should Know

Most of the time, I completely omit peoples’ names. Sometimes, I don’t! Here are some people I’ll talk about a bunch.

J. Matthew Catron

The reason you’re here! I’m a weird white kid with a lot of opinions and even more stories. And I’m tall. See, the title of the site is funny because I’m tall AND full of shit. Haha get it? Tall tales? Word play!


Cait Chamberlain

Cait likes to come bug me at the library, and it’s generally pretty entertaining. It’s actually how we met. Then I went ahead and messaged her on a dating site, not realizing who she was, and she was like “You have no idea who I am do you” and I was like “whaaat?? obviously… I do… because you’re super great!” and I basically faked my way into a lovely friendship. It’s pretty funny when you think about it.


Dip was a street kitty I used to hang out with. One of the sweetest kitties I ever knew, and she would always be waiting for me by my front door whenever I got home. Tragically, Dip is no longer with us, but her quirkiness and cuteness can live on in a series I call DipTails.

More coming!