The Fault in Our Stars

Me: I haven’t been reading much fiction for… god, years now. I’m trying to fix that. I’ll start with something light and fluffy. A nice, easy read without a lot of drama.

Me: The Fault In Our Stars. Excellent pick, Matthew.

White Friend: Have you read it before?

Me: I have not. I’ve been reading lots of nonfiction lately. Mostly on race politics.

White Friend: Y I K E S

Me: I like to keep my subject matter light. Nothing too crazy here.

White Friend: There’s one book on that subject I’ve got my eye on called “How to Raise White Children”

White Friend: Y’know. Because my kids are white.

Me: I never would have guessed

White Friend: Normally I dismiss parenting books out of hand, but there is one that I treat as gospel. It’s 4 chapters long, and it basically just says “listen to your child.” Which seems like simple, straightforward advice, y’know? When dealing with people… listen to what the people say they need.

Me: Yeah but white people don’t like to hear that

White Friend: eyyyyyy
