The Offer (Transition Part 1)

Work Email: Congratulations!  I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the Job Class Title of Library Assistant 2.  The initial assignment is with the Central Children’s Department located at 1901 Vine St.

Me: Oh. Well, that’s a change.

In January of 2018, I applied for a promotion from my current job as a Library Assistant 1 in Philbrick Hall in the Parkway Central library. The next month, I was approved and put on the list for promotions.

It’s May of 2019 now (Sorry for the delay but I had a lot of stories to post!), and I finally got the email I showed above: I’ve been promoted! I’m moving down to be a supervisor in the Children’s Department. That’s cool and all, but what does that mean for Today at the Library?

I don’t have any idea. Perhaps as a supervisor, I’ll be pressured to be a bit less transparent about my work, and I definitely don’t want to be seen as someone who gossips about coworkers for whom I am responsible.

Perhaps nothing will change except the size of my patrons. Perhaps I’ll have to end the series entirely. Time will tell, but change is definitely on the horizon.

Fortunately, I have a bit of time. Enjoy the next few days as I tell you all about my transition between departments.


4 thoughts on “The Offer (Transition Part 1)

  1. I will miss you posting if you can’t anymore but I completely understand.

    Congratulations on your promotion!

    1. Oop, thought I replied to this yesterday. Thank you!! Stay tuned for more updates about future posting 🙂

  2. Well congrats on the new promotion! I hope you can keep your library stories going in some way, but even if you can’t, I hope we still get Tall Tales!
