Back from Comic-Con

Hello, friends! I am safely back in Philly after a week in California. I had a BLAST at Comic-Con, where I learned that I’m exactly as bad at social media as I thought I was. I didn’t touch my instagram except to add some folks, and I posted to Twitter, like, 4 times.

Also, somehow the scheduled posts got all screwy when I logged into WordPress on the west coast. Why did my 15:00 EST post get shifted to 23:51 EST just because I logged in from a different time zone? Because fuck me, that’s why.

Anyway! I’m not going to do a big story dump like I did last year for CCI, nor am I going to dedicate a month of blog-time to it like I did for NYCC. Truth be told, I’m not sure what I’ll do. I’ve been home a little over 36 hours and I’ve slept for like, 20 of those and I’m still really goddamn tired. I do know that I shot like 4 hours of footage, though, so look forward to some YouTube goodies.

Also, I haven’t forgotten that I promised I’d conclude the ironless-man story with a video. I’ve just been super busy. There are like, 10 videos I have scripted and/or shot that I have not had the time to work on because life’s been crazy. It’s times like these that I’m glad I write a bunch of Tall Tales in bulk so that I can take a little time off and keep up a consistent posting schedule. Usually.

I want to thank you for reading this, and for enjoying my silly little clowny corner of the internet. It means a lot to me that I have enough site traffic to justify renewing the hosting and domain for this site for another year. Oh yeah- 3 days from now is the 1 year anniversary of the launch of, so look forward to that.

Stay tuned and stay awesome, friends. Things are great- and they’re only getting better from here.
