Updates and such!



If you’re a regular reader, you’ve probably noticed that I have not been keeping to my normal schedule at all. I’ve barely touched the new YouTube channel, either.

So what’s up?

The answer is that I’ve been insanely busy, and haven’t had the amount of time I’m used to to keep this place up to speed. And tomorrow morning I’m flying off to San Diego for Comic-Con, where I will go from not-much-time to zero-time. So I’m scheduling out a story a day from here through next Tuesday. I will not be on to answer comments or much of anything until next week. I will be available via twitter @JMCatron, where I’ll be posting snippets of what I’m up to. I’m bringing my camera setup with me, so I’m hoping to get some cool videos in.

I hope that in spite of my semi-absence, I’m still at least a little entertaining.

See you next week!

