Bathroom Policy (Transition Part 7)

Person who I am replacing: So… the bathroom policy.

Me: Do I understand correctly that there is no girls or boys room, just bathrooms 1 and 2?

Person who I am replacing: That’s right. Anyone can use any bathroom.

Me: Cool.

Person who I am replacing: The problem you’re actually going to encounter is, ah… well. So you look at somebody, right? And you might make certain assumptions about that person that might be wrong, right? Hint hint nudge wink.

Me: Yeah, I see, but I don’t know why you’re being so weird about it.

Person who I am replacing: Well, you’re going to encounter some patrons… and in some cases staff… who would prefer to go by that initial assumption… d’ya understand?

Me: I do, but… you know you’re allowed to say “trans people,” right?

Person who I am replacing: The only time we’re going to play gatekeeper with the bathrooms is if an adult tries to go in without a child. These are children’s bathrooms. And teens. And adults as long as they have kids with ‘em.

Me: You look really uncomfortable saying all this

Person who I am replacing: Security guards. I’m talking about security guards. They might give you problems. Don’t let them tell you anything about anything. These bathrooms are for whoever.

Me: Kinda sounds like you don’t really believe that

Person who I am replacing: Except adults.

Me: Jesus Christ I get it
