Digital Resource Specialist (Transition Part 4)

Head of Department: Matt, didn’t you apply be a digital resource specialist*?

Me: Yeah but I was denied

Head of Department: Call HR, your denial might have been wrong.

Me: Yeah, okay.

Me: Hey, HR Person.

HR Person: James Kuh-tron***! How’s it going? Haha, do you remember when you worked for the health department and I was your HR Person there too? And we both wound up going to the library! How about that, huh? Man, what a job that was. Health has a fantastic HR department, in a prime location, too. Reading Terminal Market was just around the corner, and I tell ya, just from going down there for lunch, I gained ten pounds! Haha! Ooh, and it was near Chinatown too, so I could just walk a couple blocks and get some really great…


Ten minutes later…


HR Person: So anyway, I have your job application for Digital Resource Specialist here. Anyway, you filled it out at the wrong time so you don’t get the job. Sorry!

Me: …thanks.


*Digital Resource Specialist is a job where you sit around and help baby boomers set up their iPhones or whatever. I felt like that would yield some good stories, so I applied.

**Catron. It’s Catron. KAH-trin. Not KAY-trin, KAY-trun, CAT-ron, or KUH-tron. KAH-trun.

***KAH-trin. Honestly, I don’t even care that much, but y’all are gonna ask, so
