
The library employs a few teens as helpers for some of our programming. I don’t work super closely with them, but I do make a point of getting to know them, if I can.

Teen Coworker: Hey Matt! Remember last week, when you left all in a hurry? What happened with that cat? The one your neighbor dumped water on.

Me: Well, it turned out the cat was very sick. I took it to an emergency vet and… we had it euthanized.

Teen Coworker: Well, that’s great! Are you adopting it? What did you name it?

Me: Do you, uh… know what “euthanize” means?

Teen Coworker, clearing their throat: I, ah… no.

Me: We had to put the cat down.

Teen Coworker: Oh shit.

Teen Coworker: Oh god, I’m so sorry.

Me: Ah, it’s okay.

Teen Coworker: I’m an idiot.

Me: I was an idiot too, once.

1 thought on “Misunderstanding

  1. 🙁

    Saying that, “I was an idiot too, once” is incorrect, in my opinion. We are all idiots in some way, but we don’t know what we’re being idiotic about. Except maybe Keanu Reeves. That dude is awesome.
