Sexual Harassment of Men

Probably my favorite thing about the internet is that we neither ask nor require the approval of a CBS producer or a New York Times editor to bring something to the forefront of the national- or, in most cases, international- conversation. We don’t need Hollywood to highlight an issue for us to discuss it. We don’t need Stephen Colbert to talk about something for us to be aware of it. The national conversation is happening whether cameras are pointing at it or not.

Today, near the top of Reddit’s front page, is a question:

Males who got sexually harassed, what’s your story?

And it has, as of this moment, over 5,100 comments. Stories from across the world of men who normally don’t get to talk about this sort of thing.

And that’s just people who browse Reddit. Imagine if every platform was having this conversation.

So here’s my little signal boost, to the rare person who reads my Tall Tales but doesn’t peruse Reddit (my mom, mostly).

Males who got sexually harassed, what’s your story?
byu/InsatiableKnowlegde inAskReddit

And my own contribution to the thread:

yikes, my story is mild compared to a lot of these but here we go

When I first moved to Philadelphia, I would go to a lot of the Pride events in June. I have a lot of queer friends, and even straight friends who are into that kind of thing, and I like to be supportive. More than once, I’d walk past a group of very drunk gay men who would come up to me and grab at my long hair (long hair, about mid-back). It happened enough times that I don’t go to Pride events anymore.
