
Me: ow ow ow hang on, be nice to me. My hand is kinda sore.

Friend: Why is your hand sore?

Me: I, uh… well I kinda punched a wall.

Friend: Matt! What the hell? What, do you have anger management problems now? That’s not okay.

Me: Oh, no. No no, no no no. No. No it’s not like that at all! I just have this new virtual reality headset, and sometimes I forget that I’m still in a physical room. I think I punched my computer too. Not really sure.

My hand, holding a Valve Index VR controller.
This game is called Blade and Sorcery, where you fight people with blades and with sorcery. Tall John made me buy it. Not because he thought I would like it, but because he wants to come over and play it when sharing air no longer kills people.

Friend: Are you troubled, or just stupid?

Me: Can’t I be both?

Me, grainy as fuck, smiling with my VR headset
Here’s a fun fact: When you can’t see the phone, taking a good VR selfie is basically impossible!

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