The Public

Bill: Okay Matt, so the public can enter the building. They can stay for a maximum of 30 minutes. If you spot someone without a mask or who is improperly masked, notify me or security. Do not handle it yourself. If someone’s gonna be put at risk, let it be someone who gets paid more for the risk.

Me: How many patrons are we getting?

Bill: Well, since your old branch Central never reopened to the public, we’re the top circulating library in the whole system.

Me: and that means

Bill: You won’t have direct contact with anyone. There are plexiglass shields up, with little holes to pass books through. No handshaking, nobody within 6 feet. We’re gonna take good care of you.

A photo of plexiglass shields around the circ desk.
turns out the virus can just go over the plexiglass, and the scientists even told us that

Me: but like how many people

Bill: We’ve never had an issue with mask use from the public.

Me: Sure but there are some staff who could use some tips on-

Bill: Everything is going to be fine.

Me: oh no
